I wrote an angry blog post to make everyone hate me. On attitudes to punishment and reconciliation among leftists.

People who want stricter gun laws dramatically outnumber people who want laxer rules, which generates the anti-gun sentiment we see in the discourse.
But 41% of the public are happy with the status quo.

This policy of Covid testing before entering the U.S. seems out of date and ineffective. via @nytimes

This WSJ story about the crypto crash is a good time to revisit Matt Levine's favored securities regulation regime:

I think thinking like this shapes a lot of the perception that living standards are falling. American culture encourages people to aim high. So people aspire to live in one of their metro area’s most desirable neighborhoods.

And rising wealth means that homes in the most desirable neighborhoods are getting expensive much faster than the median home. So some folks mistake their inability to buy into an exclusive neighborhood for a general decline in affordability.