TIL they started making reusable, p100-compatible respirators with no exhalation valve, so they filter air in both directions. 99.97% filtration, protects you and others, and likely comfortable for longer wears

The standard inactivated polio vaccine that they give to kids has these properties — in a huge outbreak there’s actually a different vaccine they use, but IIRC it took years of additional research to develop it.

This will be a big problem for China; the health consequences of letting up on Zero Covid will be more severe due to the weakness of their vaccine, but the economic consequences of maintaining Zero Covid will also probably be severe...

Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

The one exception is X-Files, which I hate because I think it helped encourage the rise of conspiracy theories and the fragmentation of reality...

As Alex Tabarrok notes, people just aren't easily able to mentally envision the difference between 7 years in prison and 50 year in prison, especially in the instant of time before they pull the trigger.

I would just say I should be paid according to the marginal product of my labor.

The New York Times @nytimes

This is great but IMO people with above-average incomes should also be allowed to choose for themselves how much parking (if any) they want to accompany a dwelling they rent or purchase.

Only In Boston @OnlyInBOS

DPRK News Service apologizes for interview presenting Frederick Krueger as disinterested expert on child molestation. https://t.co/Y6qBEGkMAM

BBC News Press Team @BBCNewsPR

Important thread about why SF has more of an unsheltered homeless problem than NYC.
Especially note the last tweet, where it turns out SF activists are wary that universal shelter might weaken their push for more permanent housing...

Kim-Mai Cutler @kimmaicutler