As a parent whose 3 and 6 year olds have taken to calling me "Mommy-chron," I also found this analysis helpful. Apparently we've been talking about this new variant a LOT in our household.
💔 for these ever-resilient covid generation kids who are always listening.

Jon Favreau @jonfavs

This is fairly easy to explain -- no one in SF's government outside of Scott Wiener actually has a plan to deal with homelessness and rising housing costs because the real solutions seem to stab at the heart of the warped NIMBY ideology of both the SF left and center-left.

Michelle Tandler ⚖️ @michelletandler

In Europe, you see more apartment buildings with a diversity of unit sizes and more family-sized apts than in the US. It’s not because of higher incomes or bigger families – it’s because single-stair configurations are legal and they don’t have to have double-loaded corridors

Bobby Fijan @bobbyfijan

Love Dutch politics where an election that results in the same guy continuing as prime minister backed by the same parties can still be a big deal due to shifting intra-coalition balance.

FT Europe @ftbrussels

This is one reason why I’m obsessed with housing policy — getting it wrong saps Massachusetts, California, etc of so many of their virtues for people who don’t happen to be longtime homeowners.

As a software developer, you may be called upon to perform some of these tasks in your career.
How well a CS degree prepares you for these tasks (and whether it even should prepare you for these) is left as an exercise to the reader.

Fake answer: Shamed by my good tweets.
Real answer: NIMBYism is about local hyper-local situations not a broad principle that you want to articulate to an audience of people who don’t live near you. https://t.co/y773pABqwz

Special Puppy🧦🐵 @SpecialPuppy1

One reason that hospitalization is not a perfect proxy for severe disease

Chris Hopson @ChrisCEOHopson

Oh neat. This data is actually broken out!

John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch

It’s hard to pick the worst thing about Twitter, but seeing lots of otherwise rational people sharing contextless 4-second clips from rando accounts is waaaay up there and it’s a weekly occurrence

Chris Hayes @chrislhayes

This is actually the one I was thinking of when I wrote the question

Shane 🇺🇸 @Shane_maps

People say missing school is bad for kids’ education but my six year old has learned phrases like “asymptomatic” and “quarantine” way younger than I did.