Omicron raises an urgent math problem for epi world & @CDCgov–
Solve for X:
For vaxxed person w/ Omicron, "X"=minimum # of days of isolation that optimizes limiting spread & keeping economy going, assuming rapid test is neg on days X-1 & X.
(Hint: I doubt it's 7-10; my guess ~5)

What the heck is this, Google? An alert to let me know when to watch The Sound of Music on TV?
I live in the future, bud. I can watch the sound of music whenever I want. This is like an alert from an alternate universe where Google existed in the 1960s

My $1.75 T plan:
Full CTC with permanent TCJA provisions (per JFI): $535 billion
Full climate plan: $550 billion
Medicaid gap fix: $180 billion
Long term care: $200 billion
Spend the remaining $285 billion on whatever combo on childcare/SALT/deficit reduction gets it passed

It's almost as though we might have learned something from what all the South African epidemiologists and doctors were telling us three weeks ago!

Prof Francois Balloux @BallouxFrancois

Smart poor kids; No, thanks 🤮
Dumb rich kids: Yes, please 😍

Sergey Egiev @SEgiev

Maybe even more hopeful than the win by a leftist candidate is that the far right candidate (who has said nice things about Bolsonaro and Trump) actually accepted the electoral outcome and congratulated the winner...on Twitter!

AFP News Agency @AFP

In China, the real estate carnage continues

Bloomberg Next China @next_china

The single best policy for another American Century is to roll out the red carpet for 100 million of the most talented immigrants in the world.
Talent is evenly distributed; it is one of the great own goals of all time that so much of it wants to be the US and we say no.

Maybe a NYC thing but I know a lot of folks who got COVID in spring 2020...
That aside, part of the adjustment IMO is that the vaccines were *so* effective at first that people were able to delay confronting the fact that COVID was a risk they had to manage like any other.

Daniel W. Drezner @dandrezner