Max Boot is right.
Washington Post Opinions @PostOpinions
Wow, I wonder if Time Magazine is a commercial enterprise that makes "person of the year" selections based on what's likely to generate buzz rather than an objective assessment of merit.
I'm not sure I agree with this ... what I do think is that vaccines became widely available in Spring 2021 and that transformed the politics of Covid in a way that Democrats have been a little lead-footed on.
Nate Silver @NateSilver538
There's now a Covid Dove coalition that combines insane paranoid anti-vaxxers with normal people are vaccinated and just want to move on.
Mandates were supposed to split that coalition, but it doesn't seem to have worked and the VP is masking outdoors.
Vice President Kamala Harris @VP
I'll just go on the record here that slavery was abolished in the United States in the 1860s which was, in fact, later than in most other places.
Jeffrey Sachs @JeffreyASachs
The thing to remember here is that there's a huge spectrum between "this change will literally destroy the Internet" and "this issue doesn't matter at all."
Josh Barro @jbarro
JFK was nominated for 8 Academy awards and since its release, Oliver Stone has directed, on average, one movie every two years, securing $585M in financing and earning $792M at the box office. What are we even doing here?
Um, this is a big deal. Quietly a lot of folks pushing for reform have been worrying that Warner was bad on filibuster. To have him come out and publicly like this is big. Folks in VA should be celebrating him for this!
Mark Warner @MarkWarner
Dr. Holly A. Bell ☕️ @HollyBell8
Ha! It appears this cartoon still exists in the wild. The gimmick was us evaluating the plausibility of all the different theories
“And let me tell you something about kangaroos. I got in a fight with one in a bar in 1997. Bitch had words about my mullet. Hard puncher, but glass jaw. This is exactly why we need to stop foreigners from coming into the country and passing our laws.”
The Hill @thehill