HOAs are for sociopaths

Christof Spieler @christofspieler

In all these cases it’s not like we have idiots or incompetents running things.
But either have not provided the resources to do things properly or (worse) have deliberately handcuffed the public sector to secure data that private companies already have to do ad targeting.

This video is a great example of why Twitter and Facebook need to think of themselves as media organizations. Any responsible media organization would provide the missing context: this interview with BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin is from December 2020. He got the vaccine in January.

DreamFox 🦊♥️🎄 @FX2trot

It's an challenging question how to provide this kind of context in a scalable way. But they could surely be doing better than this on tweets that go massively viral. Thinking of themselves as a neutral platform whose only options are allow/takedown is too limiting.

High-voltage electric grids are the backbone of a low-carbon, resilient, and low-cost power sector. China is putting 300 billion into building a US-sized grid by 2030. The US? 65 billion for everything grid related.

I still don't understand why we are not going all out for a pan-sarbecovrus vaccine
politico.com/newsletters/pl… by @RyanLizza @politico w/ @brucegelin
Our @Nature paper in February nature.com/articles/d4158…

This plaster bust depicts Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier — better known as the Marquis de Lafayette — a French aristocrat famous for aiding the American cause during the Revolutionary War.
Image: White House Collection/White House Historical Association

Worth reading this whole 🧵

Leigh Phillips @Leigh_Phillips

If we'd all agreed to believe the virus was a Chinese bioweapon deliberately unleashed to kill Americans, our pandemic response would probably have been a lot more effective.
(possible deleterious foreign policy ramifications)

Zach Williams @ZachReports

I invested in Jupe, a company creating affordable, durable and beautiful shelters that flat packs and can be easily deployed anywhere in the world ... for emergency response, for hospitality, for recreation.

This is of course one reason pro-choice groups have long been wary of filibuster reform. They fear, in a filibuster-less world, each GOP trifecta would be empowered to pass anti-abortion laws that would affect the whole nation.

After 6 months on the job, Rat Liaison Noah Smith was fired for feeding and providing shelter for wild rats using city funds.
"I thought this was what I was hired to do," Smith was quoted as saying, as he was escorted out by disgruntled residents.

Jason Furman @jasonfurman

@felixsalmon @mattyglesias @moskov @paulmromer Also, cheap/free testing may allow people to more confidently engage in social activity or go to school or work (when negative) which has a lot of tangible and intangible benefits.