To increase workplace inclusiveness, tell people that everyone else in the office is pro-diversity.
Conformity is more powerful than racism.

Tonn is out and SB 2 will keep him out hopefully from other departments https://t.co/izAewNUtCt

Open Vallejo @OpenVallejo

“When Germany surrendered, Ed and his men entered Hitler's Eagle's Nest where Ed managed to acquire a few bottles of cognac, a label indicating they were "for Fuhrer's use only." Later, he would use the cognac to toast his oldest son's Bar Mitzvah" #RIP #Hero https://t.co/vnkN8tlpEK

We Happy Few 506 @WeHappyFew506

I agree with this

Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

SF’s policy failures (ie, housing and overdoses) rightfully get a lot of attention, but its successes are real, too, and particularly on covid, have saved a lot of lives. https://t.co/gmmVpHXrH2

Bob Wachter @Bob_Wachter

Why we need to have *test-to-stay* programs for school.
Your child MIGHT have been exposed? Keep at home straight for 10-14+ days?
NO. Thats harmful.
Test each AM for 7 days. Each day Neg -> Go to school
Quarantines are information problems. Rapid test solve this issue.

Christopher Ingraham @_cingraham

Live-action Cowboy Bebop Episode 6 is the most subversive thing I've seen on TV in years. It's a direct challenge to the cult of avoidant attachment style that has come to dominate American culture.

I do! Also we could have (and still could going forward) increase global vaccine supply by giving out half-doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Josh You @justjoshinyou13

What’s interesting is the authorities in Canada and the UK both did the right thing on dose spacing.
With their single-payer health systems they are accustomed to solving resource optimization problems, American regulators are oriented to blocking scammers.

Now that the Cuomo brothers are toast, we should talk about how Andrew Cuomo’s policy of “disbarring” contractors for cost overruns ended up backfiring by making MTA bidding even less competitive and more expensive than ever.

The parents are not being charged for “raising him wrong,” but for buying him a weapon that was illegal for him, actively encouraging him to use it and telling him “not to get caught.” So, not really the best test case to use for this principle?

Radley Balko @radleybalko

Using double negatives for the self own. <chef’s kiss> https://t.co/0FHLuSnnNJ

Liz Harrington @realLizUSA

I have no idea how typical this is, or even whether it's accurate, but thought I'd share the anecdote.
I was pretty startled. I told her that most Americans, being an insular and self-absorbed people, rarely think about China or any foreign country.

I guess the closest thing I've ever seen to that sort of mass national enmity in the U.S. was the Islamophobia and obsession with terrorism in the early 2000s. That was kind of terrifying. It was something I'd read about in books, but never seen.

Good to see Paul Romer fighting the good fight against the weird, bad anti-booster movement.

Paul Romer @paulmromer