See, if Dems were smart they would immediately turn this into an attack ad/talking point: "Republicans want to ban your kids from learning about Martin Luther King!"
That's what Republicans would do, if the situation was reversed. But Dems just aren't good at brawling.

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

From the latest Conference Board data:
Those U.S. households responding that jobs are "plentiful" hits an all-time high.

This is a very interesting change for Twitter to make.
No more viral videos of police brutality?

indianbronson.substack.com @lndian_Bronson

This is going to be... interesting.

Federico Vaggi @F_Vaggi

@Samhale72 @TheStalwart @conorsen Yes, Conor is wrong here and the data are strongly against his thesis.
I gathered a number of studies in this post:
That said, Joe is also right that a huge campaign of government housing construction would be highly effective and good.

Local control is inherently exclusionary, since it by definition caters exclusively to the needs of those who are already a member of the current community.


Lauren Kaori Gurley @LaurenKGurley

1) "Could a neuroscientist understand a microprocessor?"
The authors perform a reductio ad absurdum on common methods of understanding the brain, by applying them to a microprocessor and showing that they fail

Increasing spending on scientific research is relatively unpopular compared to increasing spending on highways, education, or law enforcement.
(feel like the masses have this one wrong)

Reducing carbon emissions is in China's own interests. Already, climate change is starting to compromise the country's food security.

Yes. Except it should be six and we need to annex Marin. And maybe also seven and Walnut Creek.
And then all of the transportation agencies merge into one! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jake Gotta 🚲 @jake_gotta