i think i've said this before like, over a year ago, but you are probably significantly safer wearing somebody else's discarded mask off the ground than wearing no mask at all.
yes, it feels gross, but that feeling is probably irrational. humans are not good at evaluating risk.

Matt Ford @fordm

If you found out today that you got Covid, and someone offered you a guaranteed-authentic course of Pavloxid under the table you'd take it right? I sure would.

Imagine reply-guying the California Department of Housing and Community Development after they come at you for violating state housing laws 🤦♂️

Dean Preston @DeanPreston

Letterboxd @letterboxd

Disintermediation is always always always a myth. It only means replacing a previous intermediary with another, supposedly more deserving one. This is the way.

One of these things is not like the other.

Mike Scarcella @MikeScarcella

There are all these small, parent-hostile aspects of how schools work — no school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, no aftercare the Tuesday before Thanksgiving — that were invisible to me before I had a kid.

At the risk of sounding immature...SUCK IT, NAZI SCUM

Jonathan M. Katz @KatzOnEarth

Much of what rich countries will do with higher GDP is just to rewild much of the world we despoiled during our early years of growth.

Timothy Taylor @TimothyTTaylor

Oh and btw, this is one more reason degrowth is stupid.
Make people in rich countries poorer, and they'll just be more desperate for material gain, even at the expense of the environment.
When people get rich, they prefer a better environment.

Whoever made a mess in the bathroom is still at large, but I have a pretty good idea what color the suspect’s hair is.

"These swing voters didn’t agree with what they thought the liberal position on race in schools was. However, it wasn’t as salient as the fact that they felt Democrats closed their schools and didn’t feel bad about it."

Jon Favreau @jonfavs