My "fascism and Nazism are not identical" shirt has a lot of people wondering what kind of fascist I am.
The American Conservative @amconmag
these people have been socialized to think they are progressive, but this is just ordinary dim, muleheaded libertarianism that is America's background radiation
.@CarlosLozadaWP exposes the intellectual muddle—and the radical political agenda—at the heart of the 1619 Project. An important essay.
It is great for people to learn the history of racial covenants in shaping American cities, but I hate that these stories tend to devolve into symbolic efforts to expunge now-unenforceable covenants rather than talk about *present-day* legal barriers.
After the discrediting of capitalism by the Great Recession & the ferment of Bernie 2016 and the rise of the Squad etc we're still in a place where there is no mass politics in favor broad-based taxation to create universalistic welfare state programs.…
I mean, Trump wasn't that far from winning last time. And while they aren't worth a ton at this stage, polls show Trump in a highly competitive hypothetical 2024 matchup vs. Biden given his deteriorated standing, and generally ahead of Harris.…
curtmills @CurtMills
Doesn’t this sound like someplace Elrond warns you not to go?
The New Yorker @NewYorker
I always just wonder what is the point, philosophically, of asking questions that you know the interview subject isn’t going to give a real answer to?
Meet the Press @MeetThePress
In America, when a woman calls out a powerful man for sexual harassment, he often suffers serious professional consequences.
In China, it appears, she gets abducted and threatened into publicly recanting.
Bloomberg Next China @next_china
I’m going to make “the New York Times is a good newspaper” one of my signature Contrarian Takes along with “police presence reduces crime,” “talking about unpopular ideas makes it harder to win elections,” and “supply and demand applies to the housing market.”
My take on this (which leftists won’t like) is that the actual problem here is “the moderate Biden wing” *itself* has moved too far left on tons of issues relative to where Obama was, and moderates express this by complaining about the Squad which doesn’t add up.
Jake M. Grumbach @JakeMGrumbach
@mattyglesias So they had to be popularist within the Democratic party (so as not to lose power) and that made them less popularist among the electorate as a whole
I think it's true that it's difficult to make a party become all-out popularist (cf. tha Blairism became unpopular within Labour)
I think this captures what is frustrating to me about this increasingly pointless dialogue — we are saying Democrats should do something *different* but the people on the other side of the argument keep insisting we’re saying they should do the same thing.
Judd Legum @JuddLegum