Huh, I guess Biden's tough stance on Taiwan and human rights didn't actually prevent cooperation with China on climate change!
Imagine that.
I love my #WarOnCars allies, but the idea that the environmental cost of electrifying cars (which turn over every 12-15 years) is lower than rebuilding our entire built environment (which turns over every 60+ years at the quickest) is bananas.
Dave Walker @davewalker
this phenomenon will be the subject of a later piece but the accepted cognitive dissonance of American housing policy where people talk about how concerning housing affordability is and in the same breath laud rising home values is interesting to watch
It’s doubtless true that Facebook is in some sense giving people what they authentically want (the power of technology!) but we recognize a wide range of situations from absolutely lethal (heroin) to merely unhealthy (Mountain Dew) where giving people what they want is bad.
Should we treat Facebook the way we treat heroin? No — I doubt we should even treat heroin the way we treat heroin.
But “people like to use the product” is not the end of an analysis of how to regulate a market.
It still blows my mind that in the biggest anti-police protests in American history, with literally tens of millions protesting in hundreds of cities, the only cops killed were killed by white supremacist terrorists trying to foment conflict.
It exposed IMO a real Achilles heel in “do popular things,” namely that liberals really like and trust the mainstream media so CNN and the New York Times can arbitrarily sink a Dem’s numbers even if he’s doing something that polled well ex ante.
After all those early pandemic takes about density, DC which is far denser than any “state” has 26% fewer Covid deaths per capita than the national average while Alabama and Mississippi are both 40% above average.