In the UK, the Tory austerity agenda led to big cuts in police funding with disastrous impact on the poor.…
(When a right-wing government does it, I think it's easier to see that "arbitrary cuts to flawed-but-important public services" is not a progressive solution to those flaws)
Get yourself a religion where one pope put the remains of another pope on trial
Paul Flannery @Pflanns
Meanwhile, in the Chinese real estate sector
Josh Caplan @joshdcaplan
There's a good argument to be made that we got the persistent inflation of the late 70s because the Fed's failure to respond to the transitory inflation of the early 70s oil shock convinced everyone that the Fed didn't actually care about inflation that much.
Unlike a lot of things that people speculate about there is pretty strong empirical evidence that voters do care about inflation.
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
Great year for Mountain View urbanism: we added 3 blocks of walkable plaza downtown, & now we're gonna solve our parking woes the green way
Shout out to the 2 MV YIMBY members @JamesKuszmaul & @FifthRocket who got quoted on the high cost of free parking
Simple solution: Sail to Atlanta from the UK.
(Or get vaccinated!)
Tatiana Siegel @TatianaSiegel27
Wonder why this startup doesn't exist yet. I've talked to people trying to do fractional homeownership companies, don't know why they failed. Regulatory fragmentation?
Balaji Srinivasan @balajis