look how they massacred my boy @TribTowerViews

Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy

I think the best way to think about the politics of inflation is that in political terms “inflation” means “the price of gasoline” and the price of gasoline really has gotten very high. https://t.co/iIe9GHBrIq

Josh Kraushaar @HotlineJosh

dang almost like sustained demand leads to increased capacity

Carl Quintanilla @carlquintanilla

Welcome, "Dune"! You're now part of the 1000+ digital vfx shots club where the quality of your work will actually be used as evidence to the 'inferiority' of digital work, joining "Mad Max: Fury Road", "Blade Runner 2049" and "Mission Impossible" films.

Katrina Taylor @2trina8

Multiple conservative media outlets ran with a story suggesting the Metreon Target was closing due to rampant shoplifting. Target took like 5 minutes to respond to tell me that was not the case at all.

Remember, failing to keep Black communities segregated, disadvantaged, and polluted would be GENTRIFICATION, folks. We can't have gentrification, can we? 🤡

🌹Driving the ANTIFA Bus🌿 @AlisonB916